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*Media Alert*

Contact: Maggie McNeil (, (202) 403-8514, (202) 615-7997)

Washington, DC
United States

January 19, 2018

Organic Trade Association statement:

The American public has again spoken out loudly and clearly that it wants the U.S. Department of Agriculture to immediately implement the final Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule and to stop derailing this fully vetted, industry-supported and voluntary organic standard.

The over 70,000 comments filed over the holidays, during a brief 30-day comment period, in response to USDA’s announcement that it is withdrawing this important regulation, show the deep public support for the organic standards that have so successfully guided the organic industry and earned the public trust. The comments also are solid proof of the widespread public concern that the opt-in organic standards not be weakened or called into question by the government’s refusal to follow the public/private rule-making process established by Congress.

Please see the full comments submitted by the Organic Trade Association.

The Organic Trade Association is fighting to uphold the integrity of the USDA Organic seal and of organic standards and is calling upon the USDA to explain why it is acting against the overwhelming support of organic farmers, businesses, and consumers to advance animal welfare standards in organic. The Organic Trade Association in September filed a lawsuit against the USDA seeking judicial review of their groundless action.  Our case is strong and we believe we will prevail in court.