This year marks a significant milestone: the Organic Trade Association (OTA) is turning 40. For four decades, we’ve been at the forefront of the organic movement, driving change, fueling growth, and amplifying a unifying voice of our vibrant community. We’re grateful for those who are part of this community, movement and trade – whether you joined us this year, or have been around from the launch – we are truly stronger together.
On October 4th, 2024, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued a judgement concerning the labeling of organic products and the use of the EU organic label. The ruling could have lasting implications for trade into the EU market under the U.S. - EU Organic Equivalence.
The possibility of new tariffs under the incoming administration has sparked widespread discussion, especially within the food and agriculture sectors that depend on global trade to create economic opportunities and keep shelves stocked year-round. The president has broad tariff authority, which the incoming president exercised extensively in his past term, imposing tariffs on various countries.
Republicans and Democrats have alternated control of the presidency five times over the last 25 years. During such transitions, policy and regulatory priorities often shift to align with the goals of the newly elected party when a new administration takes office, with the outgoing party's priorities being paused, revised or reversed.
The end of a year and the beginning of a new one – a time for the Organic Trade Association to reflect on our successes during the past 12 months, and this year more than ever, to look ahead at the challenges in store for all of us.
The Organic Center and The Organic Trade Association (OTA) were honored to join the 21st IFOAM - Organics International’s Organic World Congress held in Chiayi County, Taiwan on November 30 – December 6. The Organic World Congress is a global gathering of organic farmers, researchers, businesses, trade groups, civil society, and other stakeholders. These passionate voices unite around a shared vision: making organic the foundation of agriculture worldwide.
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has been meeting with congressional offices in Washington, D.C., to advocate for funding for organic in a Farm Bill extension and a Continuing Resolution to fund governmental operations or full FY25 appropriations. While Congress is currently considering allocating billions in additional funding for conventional operations in core commodities, organic remains underfunded relative to our economic impact.
OTA has requested funding for three “orphan” programs as well as the continuation of Organic Market Development Grants:
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is a longstanding advocate for increasing federal funding for organic transition to increase organic acreage and production and to strengthen the domestic supply chain.
On September 29, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Oregon ruled against a pending legal challenge to organic “grower group” certification following a brief filed earlier this year by the Center for Food Safety along with the Organic Trade Association (OTA) and other organic stakeholders, including organic nonprofits, companies, certifiers and grocers, in support of USDA’s grower group certification.
With the clock running down on the Farm Bill (set to expire on October 1) and funding for key organic programs missing from the proposed Continuing Resolution to fund the Government through January, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) sent an urgent message to Congress encouraging them to find the funding to safeguard critical organic programs that support hard-working American farmers.
In today’s politically charged environment engaging in public policy seems more like a contact sport than an exercise in civic dialogue. I’ve done it; you’ve done it – turned off the TV, changed the radio station, or avoided social media altogether because you’re exhausted and frustrated by the polarizing and fractured state of political affairs.
For more than 6 decades, The Grain Place farm in central Nebraska has shown the way for organic grains production in the “Cornhusker” state and the Midwest and far beyond. Three generations of the Vetter family – dedicated to growing food and raising livestock in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way – have inspired and mentored countless numbers of farmers, agricultural professionals and food industry experts to work towards a healthier food production system.
Plenty of questions are emerging regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overrule the Chevron Doctrine. The repercussions of this case strengthen the Organic Trade Association’s resolve to advocate for continuous improvement in the regulatory process, and to provide technical expertise to congressional offices that need it now more than ever. As we explore those impacts in detail, it’s important to remember the decision underlines the value of the entire organic industry working together - from seed to shelf.
The Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule, first published in January 2023 and implemented on March 19, 2024, is the single largest update to USDA organic regulations since the creation of the National Organic Program (NOP) and has been a sea change for the organic sector. To keep its members informed on this critical rule, the Organic Trade Association recently held a webinar, NOP Enforcement in the SOE Era: The Power of Data, in which Dr.
Social media has consistently promoted organic products, connecting consumers with the benefits of organic living. The impact of social media on all our daily lives is deep, and deepest with younger consumers. These younger consumers are today’s most important organic buyers, and their likes and dislikes are increasingly shaped by social media.
In recent years, the beginnings of a seismic shift have been observed in consumer behavior, primarily driven by the younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z are not just interested in what they eat; they are deeply invested in the values that their food represents. This trend towards value-based eating has the potential to transform the food industry, with organic food at the forefront of this revolution.
USDA organic has an expanding fanbase in Gen Z. The Consumer Perception of USDA Organic Report released earlier this year from the Organic Trade Association, revealed that young people are driving the growth of organic as they prioritize value-based eating. 77% of Millennial and Gen Z survey respondents described organic claims as at least somewhat important to them, jumping from only 55% of Gen X and Baby Boomer consumers.
On Friday, May 17th, the House Agriculture Committee released the full draft of its Farm Bill in advance of the committee markup scheduled for Thursday, May 23.
On March 6, 2024, the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 4366) by a roll call vote of 339-85. Farmers and food and fiber companies across the country can finally breathe a sigh of relief with the risk of a USDA shutdown being put to bed after a series of short extensions and shutdown threats since fiscal year 2023 funding expired last September.
As we end this year and begin another, it’s time to reflect on the huge accomplishments of 2023 while also gearing up for more challenges ahead in 2024. First and foremost, I want to say thank you to all of the trade association's members for your unflagging commitment to organic and your hard work to keep pushing organic forward.
Organic Trade Association and The Organic Center increase organic’s visibility around the world
While international trade expert Sarah Gorman was in Germany this fall helping to showcase American organic products to thousands of fair goers at the biggest food and beverage trade show in the world, scientist Dr. Amber Sciligo was on the other side of the globe trekking across China with a small group of international organic researchers and lecturing on organic agriculture at Chinese universities.
There was a time when shoppers could only find natural beauty products at their local co-ops, and even people who were committed to buying organic foods wouldn’t have pledged their allegiance to pure personal care. In 2021, there’s a totally different story. Today, 68% of American females purchase natural and organic beauty products, up from 49% in 2008, and these numbers are expected to continue to grow exponentially in this already $16 billion industry.
On October 24-26, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) held its biannual public meeting in Providence, RI. The primary purpose of NOSB meetings is to provide an opportunity for organic stakeholders to give input on proposed NOSB recommendations and discussion items. The meetings also allow NOSB to receive updates from USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) on issues pertaining to organic agriculture. The meeting got underway with a call to order and opening remarks from Dr. Jennifer Tucker, the National Organic Program (NOP) Deputy Administrator.
Our hard work has paid off – thank you!
Today the Organic Trade Association (OTA) is celebrating the long-awaited strengthening of organic animal welfare standards by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This action by the department is a major win for organic producers, consumers and for all of you who have steadily advocated for more robust regulations.
This week, legislation was introduced in Congress that could be critical for the continued success of organic. The bipartisan Continuous Improvement and Accountability in Organic Standards (CIAO) Act guarantees that organic standards will keep evolving and improving, and it holds the federal government accountable for keeping up with the needs and expectations of the dynamic organic marketplace.
Citrus fiber is considered the new kid on the block in the hydrocolloid world. Though it provides functionalities such as high water holding and emulsification properties similar to some hydrocolloids, this upcycled fiber is produced from a byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. At the same time, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Some citrus fibers, like Citri-Fi®, contain both insoluble and soluble fiber with high levels of intact pectin.
On September 27, 2023, champions of our domestic food system introduced the Organic Market Development (OMD) Act. The bill was led in the Senate by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sen. Angus King (I-ME), Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and its companion bill was led in the House by Rep. Anne Kuster (D-NH), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME), and Rep. Andrea Salinas (D-OR). The legislation will go far in unlocking the potential of the organic marketplace and ensuring the continued growth of organic in the United States.
A critical component and distinguishing characteristic of the USDA organic program is the industry’s ongoing commitment to participate in the reevaluation of standards to ensure the label remains consistent with the intentions of the organic community.
The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) was first incorporated in the Farm Bill in 2008 to support specialty crop producers and consumers. Since then, SCBGP has been an important program for organic specialty crop producers, who have faced increasing market demand for decades. The 2018 Farm Bill reauthorized SCBGP at historic levels, with a mandatory $85 million available per year.
A recent survey completed by Ketchum, a global communication consultancy group, has provided insight into the food and purchase behaviors of the newest generation of household purchasers, Generation Z. Gen Z, or individuals born between 1997 and 2012, are increasingly influencing the food market through independent purchases and by informing household food purchases.
UPDATE: OTA and Organic Industry Urge USDA to Continue Support of Organic Dairies
Last week, the Organic Trade Association gathered with organic businesses from across the supply chain, coalition partners, scientists, advocates and policymakers in the nation’s capital for Organic Week 2023. Leaders in organic farming, business and science discussed complex organic issues including plastics in the supply chain, cultivating diversity in the sector, and projects to maximize the industry’s climate benefits.
Something that’s been on my mind lately is the volume of conversation around sustainability and climate-smart initiatives. Climate change presents an existential challenge for human civilization, and we must all work creatively together to keep its worst impacts at a minimum.
Sustainability is a colossal undertaking, challenging companies to examine every aspect of how they conduct business. And while sustainability is a much larger conversation than organic, organic should definitely be a cornerstone of the sustainability equation.
Did you know that Organic Trade Association provides a wide array of opportunities for our members to connect to international markets? We apply for and receive funding annually from the Foreign Agricultural Service at USDA to bring U.S. organic companies overseas to key export markets for organic.
The Farm bill sets U.S. federal agriculture policy and is reauthorized by Congress through the House and Senate Agriculture Committees roughly every five years. It includes titles covering nutrition, commodities, conservation, trade, rural development, research, forestry, energy, horticulture and organic agriculture, livestock, crop insurance, and more. In addition to updating programs and policies, Congress also determines the funding levels for various programs at USDA.
What can you do to protect your business from organic fraud?
The success of the organic sector relies entirely on consumer trust in the USDA organic seal. Supply chains compromised due to fraud can erode consumer trust in the integrity of the organic brand and hurt organic farmers everywhere. It is critical that every organic business has a system in place that will prevent fraud and support the promise of providing organic products that people can trust.
With the 2023 farm bill right around the corner, it’s a good time to get to know the decisionmakers who will have a hand in setting the country’s food and agriculture policy for the next five years.
Spices and aromatic dried herbs impart ample flavor when added to foods. Akin to spices, brewed tea leaves center many a daily ritual promoting mental stimulation or relaxation. Together, spices, herbs, and teas find use because of their desired flavors and medicinal and nutritional benefits, and their consumption is growing. Where do organic standards and production methods reveal noteworthy benefits?
Soil Health on Organic Farms
Healthy soils are essential for resilient crop production and supporting the ecosystem. They retain water, support a diversity of organisms vital to decomposition and nutrient cycling, provide crops with essential nutrients, and store away carbon, helping to mitigate global climate change. The growing demands for food, feed, fiber, and fuel cannot be met without healthy soils.
After four years of supporting and growing U.S. organic products in the global marketplace, Alexis Carey has departed the trade association to pursue an advanced degree and further her international career goals. The Organic Report caught up with her to discuss her time at OTA.
As part of Organic Trade Association’s partnership with Edelman to study organic trust among consumers in the United States, Edelman used its global reach to survey trust among consumers in five key export markets for U.S. organic producers: France, Germany, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. The findings from this Organic Trust Barometer are critical in maximizing existing lucrative trade opportunities for U.S. brands, and will provide important background as we pursue updated equivalence arrangements with important trading partners.
On February 7, 2022, U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the availability of $1 billion in grants for Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities through the Commodity Credit Corporation. The purpose of the new program is to support the production and marketing of “climate-smart commodities,” produced using USDA-defined climate-smart practices, through 30 to 50 pilot projects over the next five years. Organic Trade Association applied for the first pool of funding, designated for projects ranging from $5 million to $100 million.
Organic supports climate resilience, economic security, and health equity. CCOF’s goal is to expand the benefits of organic to all of California by transitioning 30 percent of California’s agricultural land to organic by 2030. Currently, just under 10 percent of farmland in California is organic. To reach this target, we took a deep dive into the research on the benefits of organic and how organic can be supported at the policy level. We developed nearly 40 recommendations in our Roadmap to an Organic California: Policy Report. And now, we’re enacting these recommendations.
In June, OTA announced the appointment of two new members to its Board of Directors, Daniella Velazquez de Leon and Johanna Phillips. The two bring deep expertise and generational experience to the trade association’s board. Here, we get to know them a bit better.
Pricing Pressures
Consumer prices are on the rise. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index, food prices are up just over 10 percent from a year ago. Organic foods are no exception; only three out of 20 items in the Organic Market Basket did not see a price increase this period. Ongoing supply chain shortages (labor, ingredients, and transportation) have conspired to push prices higher. Organic prices, while slower to rise initially, are not exempt from these pressures. Here are a few observations by major category.
Although agriculture issues will likely not be top of mind for voters in the upcoming midterm elections this November, the outcomes of this election cycle will certainly influence farm policy in a big way. Congress has recently begun rewriting and reauthorizing the current farm bill, which expires in 2023. The timing of this process is colliding with the upcoming midterms, whose outcome will shape what is in the farm bill and who gets to decide.
On August 9, 2022 the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) published the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) Proposed Rule to strengthen organic animal welfare standards.
A running list of engagement opportunities, recap articles, and other helpful information leading up to the finalization of the 2023 Farm Bill.
Since April 2021, when the Organic Trade Association (OTA) celebrated the introduction of the Continuous Improvement and Accountability in Organic Standards Act (CIAO) by our champions in Congress, the association has been hard at work to keep continuous improvement and accountability moving forward. OTA and our members have continued to advocate for a more transparent and streamlined organic rulemaking process so that the industry can keep pace with the demands of a changing marketplace and consumer expectations.
The House Appropriations Committee passed their Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs markup on June 23, 2022 by a 31-26 vote.
Following President Biden’s Executive Order on “Promoting Competition in the American Economy,” which creates a White House Competition Council and directs Federal agency actions to enhance fairness and competition across America's economy, USDA is directed (among other things) to submit a report on the effect of retail concentration and retailers' practices on competition in the food industries.
Following a series of working groups and listening sessions with Organic Trade Association (OTA) members throughout the last year, on June 1, 2022, USDA announced its intention to invest $300 million into a new Organic Transition Initiative program as part of the USDA Food System Transformation Framework.
Addressing climate change and bolstering American resilience was a central promise of President Joe Biden’s campaign. While still on the trail, then candidate-Biden stressed that “climate change poses an existential threat – not just to our environment, but to our health, our communities, our national security, and our economic well-being.” Biden also promised to invest in organic farming practices “such as conservation programs for cover crops and other practices aimed at restoring the soil and building soil carbon".
Over the last week, a flurry of regulatory activity has taken place across organic agriculture.
In use for centuries, the term ‘consumer’ came into its own in the 1920s, as our economy offered a greater volume and variety of things to purchase, accompanied by the […]
If 2020 was the year for figuring out how to maintain business from home, 2021 was the year for expanding trade opportunities overseas via computer screen. Over the course of […]
“What’s in a word? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” –William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet In a recent flurry of press releases and federal rulemaking, USDA’s Risk […]
Two years into the pandemic, there is perhaps no more familiar cultural phrase describing the past year than “You’re on mute.” It immediately conjures memories of a 2021 filled with […]
It seems like just yesterday that the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law. Now, the fruits of that labor are finally being implemented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]
Over the years, I have been asked some really tough questions about organic farming. Whether it’s from my uncle at Thanksgiving who fears that organic can never produce high enough […]
Because organic farmers are banned from using common conventional materials such as most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, the tools available for them to tackle common agricultural challenges are limited. Agricultural […]
The history of pesticide manufacturing and use in the United States reveals an enduring legacy of environmental racism against communities of color and their collective action for environmental justice. Humans […]
From supply chain failures during the global pandemic to the UN Food Systems Summit, food systems have been in the spotlight for the past two years. While this focus on […]
In 2021, the Organic Trade Association’s Retailer Council took on the task of modernizing the Good Organic Retail Practices (GORP) guide. This tool is an important asset in helping retailers […]
With the kickoff of the Organic Trade Association’s new Student Member program, The Organic Report spoke with one of the association’s newest members Aliça Diehl (22), a Master’s of Business […]
Organic farmers are the only farmers required by law to conserve soil, water, wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife. Maintaining these natural resources is critical because organic farmers rely on nutrients in […]
The last couple of years have been challenging, to say the least. And in Washington, D.C., things have been no different. As many people reevaluate their lives and reflect on […]
American consumers are more focused now than ever before on the healthfulness and environmental impact of their purchases. As the historic leader in health and environmental sustainability, the organic industry […]
The Long Tail of the Pandemic Buying Surge For the latest edition of the Organic Market Basket, we’re looking at the 13-week period ending just after Thanksgiving 2021. The major […]
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has been recognizing inspiring and innovative leaders in our industry for over 20 years. In 1997, the first-ever OTA Leadership Award was given to Senator […]