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The virtual Spring 2021 National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Meeting took place April 28-30. The Organic Trade Association's complete NOSB Meeting Report is now available. 

The primary purpose of NOSB meetings is to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to give feedback on proposed NOSB recommendations and discussion items. The meetings also allow NOSB to receive updates from USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) on issues pertaining to organic agriculture.

Prepare for the Meeting
Read our final NOSB Report

Check out the Organic Trade Association’s NOSB Spring 2021 Meeting Report for more information on these issues and all other agenda items addressed at the meeting.
The meeting produced a number of critical outcomes for the organic sector.

Of the 4 proposals reviewed, 3 PASSED:

  • Allowance of Paper-Based Planting Aids (Crops)
  • Clarifications on materials used in Ion Exchange Filtration (Handling)
  • Strategy for Recruitment and Talent Management of Organic Inspectors and Reviewers




Download our NOSB Resource Booklet

Our Spring 2021 Meeting Resource Booklet is now available! We have prepared this complete NOSB Meeting guide as a service to our members to help explain the topics currently under NOSB consideration. The booklet includes helpful background information and summaries of our written comments on each issue.


Meeting Agenda and Topics

The NOSB Meeting Agenda and Meeting Packet (All Proposals and Discussion Documents) is now available. 

As a service to our members, we have condensed the 174-page packet into a 27-page summary with helpful background and explanations of all proposals, discussion documents, and sunset reviews to be considered at the meeting. 


Read our Final Comments

We have filed comments to the National Organic Standards Board in advance of the meeting. 

Organic Trade Association Final Comments:

Compliance, Accreditation, and Certification Subcommittee

Crops Subcommittee

Handling Subcommittee

Livestock Subcommittee

Materials Subcommittee

2023 Sunset Review: List of Substances & Survey Links

This year, NOSB will discuss and vote on whether to continue the allowance of the substances listed below that are scheduled for re-review prior to their sunset (expiration) date in 2023 from the National List. These National List inputs may not be renewed if new information indicates these substances are harmful to human health or the environment, are not necessary because natural or organic alternatives are available, and/or incompatible with organic production. (Learn more about the Sunset Review Process)

Do you use any of the substances listed below? It’s critical that organic stakeholders weigh in by the April 5th comment deadline for the Spring 2021 NOSB Meeting and explain whether these inputs are still necessary for organic production. The feedback will inform the proposal and vote made at the fall meeting (October 2021).

Inform our comments by completing our Sunset Surveys! To help facilitate the comment process, OTA has created a survey system for collecting feedback from certified organic farms and processors. Below are links to electronic surveys that can be used to submit feedback on each individual material currently under NOSB review. Each survey is CONFIDENTIAL and takes about five minutes to complete. The information collected will be passed along to NOSB via OTA’s comments.

Why should you care? The inputs listed below are fertilizers, pest control products, livestock treatments, processing aids, and ingredients currently allowed for use under certain restrictions by certified organic operations. In short, they are production inputs that help to grow and process organic products. It’s critical that NOSB hear from certified farmers and handlers during this open comment period on whether these inputs are essential and/or necessary for organic production and should remain on the National List, or whether there are other effective natural or organic alternatives available.


Inputs Used in Crop Production:

Inputs Used in Livestock Production: 

Inputs Used in Processing and Handling: 

Meeting Attendance

NOSB public comment webinars and meeting days are free and open to the public. Registration is not required unless you wish to provide public comment.

Instructions for joining each event will be provided approximately one week before the webinars.

Public Comment Zoom link:

  • Public Comment Webinar Day 1: Tuesday, April 20 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern
  • Public Comment Webinar Day 2: Thursday April 22 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern

Meeting Zoom link:

  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 1: Wednesday, April 28 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern
  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 2: Thursday, April 29 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern
  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 3: Friday, April 30 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern
Mission and Structure of NOSB

The National Organic Standards Board was created through the Organic Foods Production Act, a sub-section of the 1990 Farm Bill. The Board is charged with the task of assisting the Secretary of Agriculture on which substances should be allowed or prohibited in organic farming and processing. The Board also advises the Secretary on other aspects of the organic regulations. This 15-person citizen advisory board brings together volunteers from around the United States. It is made up of four farmers/growers, two handlers/processors, one retailer, one scientist, three consumer/public interest advocates, three environmentalists, and one USDA accredited certifying agent. 

Contact our Regulatory Staff
Senior Director, Technical and Regulatory Affairs
(831) 706-1841