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company: Lehigh Valley Organic Growers

award: Growing the Organic Industry

year: 2016

Tom Harding has been involved with the organic industry for over 35 years, working directly with or as a consultant in business development, farm management, farming, and food distribution. He helped found the Organic Foods Production Association of North America (OTA’s precursor) and went on to become the founding president of the OTA Board.

A tireless worker for the organic industry, he continues to be active in furthering organic’s role in D.C., with advocacy efforts on the Hill and development of OTA’s Organic Political Action Committee (PAC). He has been a constant monitoring force concerning standards and related regulations for organic, including the work of the National Organic Standards Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Organic Program, and Congress. He also has also been a leader at OCIA International, and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

Harding’s vision of success over the years has played a critical part in the maturation of organic as an industry.