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The 2018 Independent Natural Food Retailers Association (INFRA) Annual Conference will be taking place July 21-24 in Minneapolis, MN. 

Gwendolyn Wyard, Organic Trade Association's VP of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, will be presenting a session at the Conference titled "The Strength of the USDA Label", taking place on Sunday, July 22, from 1:15pm - 2:45pm. 

In this session, you will learn about critical organic topics, their status, and what’s being done to ensure that our hard-built standards and consumer trust will continue to thrive. Retailers will receive information and resources to help keep you and your shoppers better informed so we can all engage and continue to grow organic. USDA organic is the culmination of over 30 years of work. It was built by a coalition of organic farmers, handlers, consumers, animal welfare and environmental organizations that recognized the need for one common federal standard to ensure consistency, build consumer trust and allow the sector to flourish. To date, the organic label remains the only regulated eco-claim in the marketplace with third-party certification, federal oversight and enforcement and it continues to be the fastest- growing sector in agriculture. But can organic survive in the current era? Amid the Trump Administration’s failure to implement thoroughly vetted organic regulations and a marketplace drawn to shiny new add-on labels, retailers are bound to have questions. Attend this session and learn more! 

Conference Information:

July 21-24, 2018

Minneapolis, MN