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November 30 - December 4 Taiwan

The registration for the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Organic World Congress (OWC) 2024 is now open. The 21st Congress will be held from November 30 to December 4 as an in-person event in Taiwan. It is organized in collaboration with their main OWC partner and IFOAM member, the Sustainability Centre of Nanhua University, other IFOAM members and local partners. This congress is your gateway to discovering cutting-edge research, innovative practices, and the latest trends in organic farming. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a passionate newcomer, OWC 2024 offers unparalleled opportunities to connect, learn, and grow in the vibrant field of organic agriculture.

General Assembly: Every three years, members of IFOAM - Organics International come together for the General Assembly (GA). This typically occurs following the Organic World Congress (OWC). During the GA, you can witness the democratic and participatory nature of our organisation in action. The next GA is scheduled to take place on December 5-6, immediately following the Organic World Congress in Taiwan.

Dr. Amber Sciligo, The Organic Center's Director of Science Programs will be a speaker for the following sessions and workshop:

  • Cultivating Organic Solutions for True Sustainability: December 2 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The opening plenary sets the scene for Cultivating Organic Solutions for True Sustainability. Allies in the movement for food systems change will share learning and insights and hold a discussion about accelerating transformation through shared purpose, partnership and valuing diversity.

  • Harvesting Knowledge: A Collective Exploration with Farmers and Scientists: December 3 | 9:20 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. A dynamic plenary session where farmers and scientists come together to share their expertise and experiences in organic agriculture. Through a collective exploration of successes, challenges, and innovations, we will harvest knowledge and insights from the field and the lab, and explore ways to bridge the gap between research and practice. This session will foster a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives and set the stage for continued knowledge sharing and learning throughout the congress.

  • Workshop: TIPI Review of Ecological Organic Action Research Findings in the Developing World: December 3 | Time TBA A dynamic plenary session where farmers and scientists come together to share their expertise and experiences in organic agriculture. Through a collective exploration of successes, challenges, and innovations, we will harvest knowledge and insights from the field and the lab, and explore ways to bridge the gap between research and practice. This session will foster a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives and set the stage for continued knowledge sharing and learning throughout the congress.

  • World Board Election: Dr. Sciligo is also a World Board 2024-2027 candidate! The World Board candidate elections are a pivotal process within IFOAM - Organics International, aimed at selecting the leadership that will guide the organization. The World Board is responsible for strategic decision-making and ensuring that IFOAM's mission and objectives are effectively pursued. Candidates for the World Board are nominated from within the membership and are individuals who demonstrate a strong commitment to the principles of organic agriculture and sustainable development. Click here for an overview of World Board candidates.

Matthew Dillon, the Organic Trade Association's Co-CEO will be speaking during the Multiple Pathways to Market Success: Retail, Community Supported Agriculture, PGS and Public Procurement session. 

  • About the session: Organic farmers & enterprises need new and fair market opportunities in order to survive and thrive. In this plenary, leading voices will share pathways, lessons and barriers for market success in retail, public procurement, Customer Supported Agriculture and PGS for small holders.

Click here to learn more about their sessions. Click here for detailed program information.