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Biofach is the world's largest trade show for organic, taking place February 13-16, 2019 in Nuremberg, Germany. The Organic Trade Association will host a pavilion of 14 U.S. organic companies at the show, come visit us at booth 4A-627! This pavilion is already filled, but if you are interested in being added to the waitlist for participation, contact the Organic Trade Association's International Trade Manager, Alexis Carey.

Organic Trade Association's CEO/Executive Director, Laura Batcha, will be presenting the following sessions at Biofach on February 14, 2019:

Global Organic Market | 10:00am - 11:30am | St. Petersburg

Laura will discuss the organic market in North America as well as import/export trade data

Blockchain, remote sensing and non-analytical tools for enhancing integrity in supply chains | 1:00pm - 2:30pm | Oslo

Despite all efforts to improve the regulatory system and components of the organic guarantee, fraud is ongoing. The most recent one was made public in Italy mid-November 2018 by the anti-fraud office. Technologies and tools for improving, if not solving, the core problems are available. It needs a dedicated discussion about new ways to change our approach to action

Additionally, Organic Trade Associatoin staff will also host the following meetings in conjunction with Biofach on February 14, 2019:

GOTS Certifiers Council Meeting | 1:30pm - 4:30pm | Lissabon 

Johanna Mirenda, Organic Trade Association's Farm Policy Director, will facilitate this meeting with the GOTS Certifiers Council. 

EU Stakeholder Meeting |4:00pm - 6:00pm | Prag

During this meeting US and EU organic stakeholders will discuss the effects of changing EU regulations as well as Brexit's effect on the US-EU organic equivelency arrangement. This meeting is invite-only. 

Trade Show Information:

February 13-16, 2019

Nuremberg, Germany