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OTA staff will attend BIOFACH - The World's leading Trade Fair for Organic Food - will be held February 11-14 in Nuremberg, Germany. Be sure to visit the OTA booth! Contact Monique Marez for more information. 

OTA will host a number of activities at Biofach in 2015, including:

OTA Happy Hour

February 10, 2015 | 6:00-8:00 p.m. | Maritim Hotel Reception Room

Join OTA members and buyers for networking, finger foods and cocktails before the show. 

Organic Equivalence Agreements: A Fishbowl Discussion

February 13, 2015 | 12:00 p.m. | Location TBA

This interactive session aims to highlight lessons learned and look to the future for EU/Canada, EU/USA, Canada/USA  organic equivalency.

Confirmed Speakers
Moderator – Monique Marez, Senior International Trade Advisor, Organic Trade Association, USA
Speaker – Matthew Holmes, Executive Director, Canada Organic Trade Association, Canada
Speaker – Robert Anderson, Senior Trade Advisor, Organic Trade Association, USA 

Organic is more than a label or certification: organic stands for quality and conviction – for the responsible use of nature’s resources. BIOFACH 2015 in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg is the place where people share their passionate interest inorganic food, get to know each other and exchange views, and this for more than 25 years! Join us in a world of organic products and taste. As a visiting professional you can meet organic producers from the international organic market and be inspired by the sector’s latest international trends.