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November 15-17, 2024

Montogomery, AL

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), Tuskegee University, Clif Bar and The Organic Center are collaborating to host an in-person convening event titled Cultivating the Future of Organic Agriculture in the Southeastern US: How Advancing Equity and Inclusion will Strengthen the Organic Movement. The convening will focus on bringing together stakeholders from across the Southeast. The goal is to create a dynamic space for discussion among organic and organic-aligned producers and researchers at 1890s universities, Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) organic farming communities, farmer groups and other federal and non-federal partners. The event will be held in conjunction with the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC) in Montgomery, Alabama on November 15-17, 2024. There will be multiple panel discussions with producers as well as non-profits and government representatives, followed by breakout groups to discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities for BIPOC growers in the organic space. The in-person convening builds upon the outcomes of the December 2023 virtual event, which identified the following barriers and opportunities unique to the Southeast that are discussed in more detail in the convening report:

  • The role of consumer education and market development
  • The need for increased communication, education and outreach
  • The need for cultural competence
  • The need for resources and research funding to address challenges

There will be an optional Welcome Reception on Friday November 15 and an optional farm tour on Sunday November 17. More information about the farm tour is included here. If you are interested in either of these optional events, please indicate your willingness to attend on the registration form.

OTA Vice President of Operations Stephanie Jerger will be moderating The Need for Cultural Competence panel during this event.