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The annual EcoFarm Conference celebrating organic farming and filled with educational plenaries and workshops will take place Jan. 21-24 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, CA. Both representatives from OTA and The Organic Center will be taking part, including OTA’s Executive Director/CEO Laura Batcha. Gwendolyn Wyard (OTA’s Regulatory Director, Organic Standards & Food Safety) will present on next steps in the fight against GMOs, while Nate Lewis (OTA’s Senior Crops and Livestock Specialist) will serve as moderator for a session on crop insurance for diversified organic farms. In addition, The Organic Center’s Director of Science Programs Dr. Jessica Shade will give a talk on the science supporting the benefits of organic, and moderate a session focusing on the results from The Center’s publication detailing methods for organic control of fire blight without the use of antibiotics.