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Pete & Jerry’s Organic Eggs co-owner and Organic Trade Association (OTA) Board member Jesse Laflamme will host a regional business roundtable and mixer for the New England organic business community on Thursday, December 4, 2014, at OTA’s offices in Brattleboro, Vermont. 

New England is one of the key incubators for the $35 billion U.S. organic industry. Its diverse makeup encompasses small family farms, co-ops, thriving regional brands, and flagship national brands. Join your industry peers for an engaging afternoon of networking and learning with OTA.
Following the roundtable discussion, we'll head up the street for a hosted networking reception at duo Restaurant in downtown Brattleboro. Housed in the historic Vermont Brooks House, duo is nationally acclaimed for its farm-to-table concept and focus on organic. Relax in duo's inviting atmosphere and connect with your colleagues over great food and drink.
We hope to see you there.

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