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The Organic Association of Kentucky's 2020 Conference is taking place March 6-7, 2020 in Louisville, KY. This energized gathering is a must-attend for farmers, agriculture professionals, home gardeners and those passionate about building more resilient food systems in Kentucky. Conference sessions provide useful tools, techniques, research and knowledge you can put to use on the farm and fantastic opportunities for networking! The conference covers an array of organic production topics, regenerative agriculture, livestock management, marketing, homesteading and food systems change making. 

The Organic Center's Science Project Manager, Amber Sciligo, will be leading a workshop at the Conference titled "Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation with Organic Agriculture". This 90 minute session will take place on Sunday, March 7th from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 

To learn more or connect at the Conference, contact Amber Sciligo