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Supply Side West will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada from October 5-9. SupplySide West is all about the exploration, discovery, innovation and marketing strategy around the development of finished consumer goods that drive the global business economy. 

OTA's Senior Director of Regulatory & Technical Affairs Gwendolyn Wyard will speak on a panel "GMOs and Supply Considerations" on October 8 from 9-11:00 a.m. at Level 3, Jasmine E.

Consumers and retailers alike are interested in non-GMO products, but suppliers and manufacturers have issues to address in terms of supply chain traceability and communication. In this two-hour panel discussion, we will address key issues around non-GMO ingredient sourcing and finished product development, including achieving compliance with variances related to sourcing inputs, what it takes to be compliant with non-GMO standards in North America, and verification considerations.