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The Organic Trade Association’s Fiber Council will be participating in the 2019 Textile Sustainability Conference in Vancouver, BC, October 15 - 18. Several Fiber Council members along with Gwendolyn Wyard, Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, will be hosting booth #30 in the exhibit hall where they will be ready to answer questions about the benefits of organic fiber, textiles and OTA membership.

Council members will also be actively participating in a full agenda of workshops and educational sessions. The Fiber Council includes representatives from 38 member companies, covering the full supply chain from farmers to manufacturers, certifiers, researchers, retailers, and more. The Council successfully works to strengthen and grow the organic fiber and textiles sector. For more information, contact Gwendolyn Wyard

Conference Information:

October 15-18, 2019

Vancouver Convention Center, East Building

Vancouver, British Columbia