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As the outbreak of the COVID-19 creates organic supply chain disruptions, so does the need for continuity of organic inspection operations. In this webinar, you will learn about the unique challenges of the organic sector and how the Organic Trade Association, the Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA) and the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) are working together to ensure organic compliance and the integrity of the organic supply chain. Participants will learn about the best practices and inspection tools that are being used to conduct inspections and verify compliance while travel restrictions are in place. In addition, certified operators will learn how to best prepare for an on-site or remote audit.


  • Gwendolyn Wyard, Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, OTA
  • Marni Karlin, Karlin Strategic Consulting, Principal
  • Garth Kahl, Independent Organic Services, Inc.; IOIA Inspector


  • Connie Karr, Certification Director, OTCO; ACA Board Chair
  • Brenda Book, Organic Program Manager, WSDA
  • Beth Rota, Policy and Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Certification Services; ACA Board Member
  • Lois Christie, Christie Organic Consultants; IOIA Board Chair
  • Garth Kahl, Independent Organic Services, Inc.; IOIA Inspector