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Organic Farming Leadership Award
Ray Fuller headshot

Ray Fuller, owner and operator of Stormy Mountain Ranch, Inc. in Chelan, Washington, started transitioning his orchards to organic in 1985. By 1988, his orchard was granted the second organic certificate ever by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. He has 115 acres of apples, pears, and cherries in organic production.

Fuller has a long list of activities demonstrating his commitment to supporting other growers, sharing his knowledge, and increasing the body of research to improve organic growing practices. He has hosted research trials on his land, and opens up his orchards for tours. He also was influential in creating the Washington Apple Growers Marketing Association's "Organic Section" and was a founding member of the Washington Organic Tree Fruit Growers Associations. He has received 15 top grower awards over the last 22 years, and is tapped to speak at many farm conferences. Fuller has marketed his fruit via Stemilt Growers, Inc., since 2003.