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The BPIA 2019 Annual Meeting and Symposium will be taking place March 11-15 in Portland, OR. BPIA includes several committees that bring together the resources and the focus necessary to achieve the organization’s many objectives. BPIA routinely engages with key regulators at USEPA, USDA, Canada’s PMRA, and the states including the California DPR; individual members officially represent BPIA on the PRIA Coalition and EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC); other members cover key stakeholder meetings and often provide comments on behalf of the industry. Click here for the full Symposium agenda

Cassandra Christine, Organic Trade Association's Director of Industry Relations, Membership, and Development, will be speaking on the following panel during the Symposium. For more information, contact Cassandra Christine

Biological Products and Organics | 11:00am - 12:30pm

Moderator: Cindy Smith, Conn & Smith

Speakers: Sam Schaefer-Joel, WSDA; Doug Currier, OMRI; Cassandra Christine, OTA; and Bill Wolf, Wolf, DiMatteo  and Associates

Meeting Information:

March 11-15, 2019

Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront Hotel

Portland, OR