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Are your organic products international travelers? If not, Organic Trade Association can provide the tools you need to get export savvy. Log on to this 45-minute briefing to learn about upcoming trainings that will provide those new to exporting the knowledge and logistical expertise to conduct business abroad with confidence. We’ll share a suite of tools designed to give U.S. organic producers visibility into key export markets. Finally, you’ll be able to take your newfound knowledge for a spin: hear about OTA’s 2022 export activities planned for U.S. companies in Europe, Asia, Canada, and the U.A.E. We are recruiting now for our early Spring opportunities. This webinar is open to all U.S. organic companies who are interested in international markets, and export opportunities for their products.

  • Esteemed Panelists:
  • Alexis Carey, Associate Director of International Programs | Organic Trade Association
  • Victoria Nwasike, President/CEO | Goldencrest Global

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