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Healthy soils are essential for resilient crop production and supporting our ecosystem. Unfortunately, soils in the United States are being degraded by unsustainable agricultural practices. Techniques used by organic farmers can help stop soil health degradation, or even restore soil health in previously degraded soils, because they replenish soil organic carbon and preserve underground biodiversity. However, the specific impacts of organic practices on soil health are not well understood.  Broad surveys of soil health comparing organic and conventional systems consistently show the benefits of organic farming, but rarely compare strategies within organic systems to understand where these benefits arise, or how they can be maximized. This webinar will look at new research on the benefits of organic farming to soil health and climate change mitigation, and specific organic soil-building practices to illuminate strategies that have the biggest impacts on soil health.


  • Amber Sciligo, PhD, Associate Director of Science Programs, The Organic Center
  • Kate Tully, PhD, Assistant Professor of Agroecology, University of Maryland


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