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Spring 2018 Meeting

Spring 2018 National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Meeting

On April 25-27, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) held its biannual public meeting in Tucson, Arizona. The primary purpose of NOSB meetings is to provide an opportunity for organic stakeholders to give input on proposed NOSB recommendations and discussion items. The meetings also allow NOSB to receive updates from USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) on issues pertaining to organic agriculture. All meeting materials are available below, and include the proposals and discussion documents and OTA’s comments.


View OTA’s Complete NOSB Meeting Report for important meeting details. 

Review OTA's Final Comments

Certification, Accreditation and Certification Subcommittee

Discussion document: Import oversight (pdf)

 Proposal: Inspector qualifications (pdf)

Proposal: Eliminating the Incentive to Convert Native Ecosystems into Organic Crop Production proposal (pdf)


Crops Subcommittee

Proposal: Polyoxin D zinc salt - petitioned (pdf)


Proposal: Sulfur (as a molluscicide) - petitioned (pdf)


Livestock Subcommittee

Proposal: Glycolic acid - petitioned (pdf)

Proposal: Clarifying “emergency” for use of synthetic parasiticides in organic livestock production (pdf)


Handling Subcommittee

Proposal: Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) - petitioned (pdf)


Proposal: Magnesium chloride reclassification 205.605(b) (pdf)


Materials / GMO Subcommittee

Discussion document: Protecting the Genetic Integrity of Seed Grown on Organic Land (pdf)


2020 Sunset Review

IMPORTANT! NOSB will be VOTING on the 2020 Sunset inputs at the fall 2018 meeting. Feedback will be given to NOSB during this spring meeting to inform NOSB’s vote at the fall 2018 meeting. The information we provide NOSB with NOW will ultimately help decide whether or not the inputs will continue to be allowed in organic production and processing.


Crops - 2020 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Alcohols: ethanol, isopropanol; Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate; Newspaper or other recycled paper; Plastic mulch and covers; Aqueous potassium silicate; Elemental sulfur; Lime sulfur; Sucrose octanoate esters; Hydrated lime; Liquid fish products; Sulfurous Acid; Ethylene; Microcrystalline cheesewax; Potassium chloride 


Livestock - 2020 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Alcohols: ethanol, isopropanol; Aspirin; Biologics, vaccines; Electrolytes; Glycerin; Phosphoric acid; Lime, hydrated; Mineral oil; Sucrose octanoate esters


Handling - 2020 Sunset Reviews (pdf): Calcium carbonate; Flavors; Gellan gum; Oxygen; Potassium chloride; Alginates; Calcium hydroxide; Ethylene; Glycerides (mono and di); Magnesium stearate; Phosphoric acid; Potassium carbonate; Sulfur dioxide; Xanthan gum; Fructooligosaccharides (FOS); Gums: Arabic, Carob bean, Guar, Locust bean; Lecithin - de-oiled; Tragacanth gum 

2020 Sunset Review Survey

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is in the process of reviewing several of the fertilizers, pest control products, livestock treatments, processing aids, and ingredients currently allowed for use by certified organic operations. These production and handling inputs are being voted on by NOSB based on their Sunset review timeline (renewal date), and may not be renewed if new information indicates these substances are incompatible with organic production. It’s critical that NOSB hear from certified farmers and handlers prior to the Spring 2018 NOSB meeting on whether these inputs are essential and/or necessary for organic production, or whether there are other effective natural or organic alternatives available. 


To help facilitate a robust comment process, OTA has created a survey system for collecting feedback from certified farms and processors. These electronic surveys can be used to submit feedback on each individual input currently under NOSB review. Each survey is CONFIDENTIAL, and contains about 10 short questions that will take an estimated five minutes to complete.

2020 Sunset Review Surveys

IMPORTANT! NOSB will be VOTING on the 2020 Sunset inputs at the fall 2018 meeting. Feedback will be given to NOSB during this spring meeting to inform NOSB’s vote at the fall 2018 meeting. The information we provide NOSB with NOW will ultimately help decide whether or not the inputs will continue to be allowed in organic production and processing.

NOSB Public Comment Opportunities

The NOSB meeting is open to the public and participants are invited to provide oral comments during one of two sessions:

  • Webinars
    • April 17, 2018 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Eastern (3 minute comment slot)
    • April 19, 2018, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Eastern (3 minute comment slot)
  • In-person meeting
    • April 25, 2018 (3 minute comment slot) 

Individual commenters may only sign up for one comment option. The final deadline to submit written comments and sign up for oral comments is Wednesday, April 4, at midnight Eastern. Written comments should be submitted via