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The Organic Center

The Organic Center is a nonprofit that was founded in 2002 with the mission of convening and conducting credible, evidence-based science on the environmental and health benefits of organic food and farming and communicating them to the public.  Based out of Washington, DC, they cover up-to-date studies on sustainable agriculture and health, and collaborate with academic and governmental institutions to fill gaps in our knowledge.  They are currently the go-to source of information for scientific research about organic food and farming.  The Organic Center is an independent non-profit educational and research organization operating under the administrative auspices of the Organic Trade Association.

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Check out some of The Organic Center's current projects


Organic Solutions to Citrus Greening

Citrus greening threatens the citrus industry on a massive scale.  The Organic Center is researching organic solutions to stop this devastating disease without the use of toxic chemicals or GMO’s. Learn more

The Effects of Organic Farming Practices on Nitrogen Pollution

The Organic Center is investigating the effect organic farming has on decreasing nitrogen pollution. Learn more

Decreasing Arsenic Uptake in Organic Rice Systems

This project examines genetic, environmental, and temporal effects on arsenic accumulation in organic rice systems. Learn more

Soil Health in Organic Farms

Organic farming is well known to be beneficial to the environment.  This project will quantify those benefits by comparing the specific soil health components between organic and conventional farms. Learn more

Organic Fire Blight Prevention Project

This publication details methods for preventing fire blight on organic apple and pear orchards without the use of antibiotics. Learn more

Health Effects of Dietary Pesticide Exposure

This project examines the effects of exposure to synthetic chemicals such as pesticides on human health. Learn more