The Organic Trade Association has two types of membership:
Trade members [voting] govern the association. Only North American-based (U.S., Canada and Mexico) businesses or organizations engaged in the production, distribution, certification, or promotion of certified organic products and the services required to produce them are eligible for Trade Membership. Trade members receive OTA member benefits and one vote.
>> Farmstead: The Organic Trade Association also has a special membership category for small-scale organic farmers. The
Farmstead Membership enables smaller organic farmers who have current membership with one of the participating organizations belonging to our
Farmers Advisory Council (FAC) to obtain a full OTA membership with all associated benefits for a minimal fee.
Associate members [non-voting] include businesses, organizations, and individuals who are not eligible for Trade Membership but who are supportive of principles consistent with those of organic agriculture. Businesses and organizations without an office in North America and those who receive no direct sales from the organic industry are only eligible for associate membership. Associate members receive OTA member benefits but do not have voting privileges.
In addition to
Government, and
Non-Profit Associate Memberships, we also offer Associate Memberships with
varying fees for the following:
>> International Business Associate: For companies outside of North America.
>> Provisional Membership: For companies with organic certification pending and individuals in early stages of business development. No listing in The Organic Pages Online. There is a 12-month time limit on this category, at the end of which the membership must transfer to either the trade or business associate category.
>> Homestead Associate: For existing OTA member contacts to support OTA while enjoying special individual member benefits at home.
>> International Trade Association: For international organizations seeking advice from OTA regarding association governance, operations, and policy; includes access to OTA materials.
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