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Organic Myth-Busting Resources

Looking for social media content to prove the value and benefit of organic? Use our graphic library.

Despite organic sales and accessibility reaching all-time highs, research reveals significant consumer confusion about organic’s benefits. We've all seen the misleading headlines that organic can't feed the world or that it's not worth the cost.

Together, by engaging with consumers and media with a consistent and clear voice, we can change these misconceptions and bring audiences that are ‘on the fence’ about organic into the fold. 

Please download our graphics and share them on your social media channels to help reclaim the facts and correct long-held misconceptions about our industry.

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A collection of facts busting organic myths

Each of these social graphics features at least one fact that tackles a misconception – via infographics presented in an engaging, shareable fashion customized for audiences over Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. The library includes over 30 images shaped for a variety of social platforms.

>> Browse our library and download shareable graphics! <<

thumbnails of deferent graphics