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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday April 5, 2016

SIAL Canada 2016 will take place April 13-15 in Montreal. COTA staff will be attending as organic experts at the Export Central Hub, and COTA will host two organic forums on Thursday, April 14. The first panel discussion—The Organic Consumer: What They Want and How to Attract Them—will take place at 12:30 p.m. The second forum—International Trade […]

Posted on Tuesday April 5, 2016

World renowned international and Canadian scientists will present their research in all aspects of organic agriculture, including crop and livestock production, soil science, and value chain development., in a Sept. 19-21 conference This key event, to be held at the Sandman Hotel in Montreal-Longueuil, will be a unique opportunity for researchers and organic producers to share organic knowledge. We […]

Posted on Tuesday April 5, 2016

Will there be an end to the commodity price plunge? Is Canada’s winning streak at an end, or are there opportunities to pursue? Join Peter G. Hall, Vice-President & Chief Economist at Export Development Canada, as he tours across Canada between April 26 and June 1 to share the most up-to-date information available on what the global economy […]

Posted on Tuesday March 29, 2016

COTA’s International and Regulatory Affairs Manager Marie-Eve Levert spoke at the CETAB+ (Centre d’expertise et de transfers en agriculture biologique et de proximité) Colloque Bio pour tous conference in Victoriaville, Quebec, on March 16. This is an annual conference and gathering place for organic growers in Quebec. She presented information and insight into the challenges and opportunities of the organic sector in […]

Posted on Tuesday March 29, 2016

Will there be an end to the commodity price plunge? Is Canada’s winning streak at an end, or are there opportunities to pursue? Join Peter G. Hall, Vice-President & Chief Economist at Export Development Canada, as he tours across Canada between April 26 and June 1 to share the most up-to-date information available on what the global economy […]