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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday June 2, 2015
This week, COTA representative Marie-Eve Levert attended a meeting on behalf of our members regarding small and micro-sized businesses affected by the new Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is conducting a special consultation. The Organic Products Regulations will be integrated into the new SFCR and will have wide-ranging impact on all [...]
Posted on Tuesday May 26, 2015
COTA is calling for nominations for candidates seeking to run for the Board of Directors. Three seats are open for the 2015-2018 term. The COTA Board of Directors is accountable to the membership, sets the organization’s strategic direction, and provides fiduciary and legal oversight. Any COTA trade member in good standing may be nominated, with [...]
Posted on Tuesday May 26, 2015
Export Development Canada (EDC) this past week announced $500,000 in financing to DeeBee’s SpecialTea Foods Ltd., a Canadian manufacturer of organic tea-based frozen desserts. EDC, a strategic partner with COTA, is Canada’s trade finance agency, proving financing and insurance solutions locally and around the word to help Canadian companies with international business opportunities.
Posted on Tuesday May 26, 2015
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has announced the next phase of its consultation on the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), with a special focus on the impacts for micro- and small businesses. This will supplement the previous two rounds of consultations held in 2013 and 2014 on a new regulatory framework and approach for [...]
Posted on Tuesday May 19, 2015
Today, the Government of Canada announced over $785,000 in funding over the next three years to support COTA’s work on international trade, technical assessments, and domestic marketing. The announcement was made in Markham, ON, at the facilities of Taste of Nature, which exports organic nut and fruit bars to over 60 countries. The funding was [...]