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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday April 7, 2015
On March 31, COTA’s Executive Director Matthew Holmes testified before the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry for the second time in two months. The Senate Committee is holding hearings into the competitiveness of Canada’s agriculture and food industries. Holmes called for a new organic transition program, championed by the federal government and delivered through the agricultural policy framework with [...]
Posted on Tuesday April 7, 2015
COTA will attend the 2015 alive Executive Summit in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 5-8. The summit brings together top-level decision-makers to discuss the growing future of health food in Canada and around the world. COTA, the exclusive organic sponsor, is looking to network and uncover new opportunities to help the growth of the organic sector and COTA [...]
Posted on Tuesday April 7, 2015
SIAL Canada 2015, the largest international food and food equipment trade show in Canada, is taking place April 28-30 in Toronto. SIAL hosts over 800 exhibitors and 14,000 professional visitors, including buyers from all major Canadian and international supermarkets. SIAL Canada will include organic experts at the Export Central Hub, as well as an organic [...]
Posted on Tuesday March 31, 2015
COTA’s Executive Director Matthew Holmes will testify before the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on March 31. The committee is evaluating international market access priorities for the Canadian agricultural and agri-food sector. The domestic Canadian organic market is worth over $4 billion, with exports valued at over $500 million. COTA has led the formation of [...]
Posted on Tuesday March 31, 2015
This past week, COTA participated in an important round of voting on revisions to the Canadian Organic Standards. Following consultations with our members, COTA took the unorthodox step of voting against the amended version of the standards in order to protect the sector and our stakeholders. In particular, COTA rejected proposed changes that would severely impact [...]