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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday February 3, 2015
Members of industry and government came together this past week in advance of the Guelph Organic Conference to hold meetings of the Organic Value Chain Roundtable. COTA’s Matthew Holmes, as chair of the Regulatory Working Group, presented an environmental scan of regulatory issues, and initiated work on a national chicken-and-egg strategy to develop more organic [...]
Posted on Tuesday January 27, 2015
On January 24, the Ministry of Agriculture in British Columbia announced a new regulation to restrict the usage of “organic” on labels to products that have been certified by a national or provincial certification program. This change is to provide consumers with assurance that products meet accepted standards. Although the federal regulations for organic have [...]
Posted on Tuesday January 27, 2015
Members and friends are asked to join us at the joint COTA and OCO Organic Network Mixer during Guelph Organic Conference this Saturday at 8 p.m. at Delta Guelph Hotel & Conference Centre in the Gryphon Ken Danby Room. This is the go-to social event for light refreshments and networking during the Guelph Organic Conference, [...]
Posted on Tuesday January 27, 2015
The Saskatchewan Organic Directorate announced this past week that it will change its name to SaskOrganic, and will represent all certified organic businesses in Saskatchewan without the previous membership fee. SaskOrganic plays a vital role in developing the organic sector in Saskatchewan, and is a key COTA partner in the Prairies region. For more information, visit [...]
Posted on Tuesday January 20, 2015
COTA will exhibit and attend meetings and workshops at the 34th Annual Guelph Organic Conference taking place January 29 – Feb 1 at the University of Guelph. In addition, the next meeting of the government and industry co-chaired Organic Value Chain Roundtable will take place in conjunction with the Guelph conference. If you plan on attending either meeting, [...]