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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2015

COTA is once again partnering with The Globe and Mail to produce a Special Report on Organic in Canada’s national newspaper, timed to coincide with Organic Week September 19-27. This is a unique opportunity to highlight your commitment to the organic sector and to promote your message directly to consumers across the country. The deadline to reserve ad space is […]

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2015

This is the last week for industry members to engage in Canada’s pre-consultation on the new Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. Once published and in force, this omnibus legislation will have oversight on food safety and most trade in food, including organic products, annulling the previous Organic Products Regulations. The legislation is comprehensive with far-reaching […]

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2015

The Government of Canada is currently consulting various associations and concerned companies about its Revised Draft Policy on the Management of Low Level Presence of Genetically Modified Crops in Imported Grain, Food and Feed. In effect, the introduction of an LLP policy would allow imports (food and feed) contaminated by a low level of GMO that have […]

Posted on Tuesday July 28, 2015

The 2015 COTA Board of Directors election packages were mailed at the beginning of July to all eligible voting members of COTA. The ballot package include bios of the following eligible candidates: Ryan Benn (alive Magazine), Mike Fata (Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods), Lisa Mumm (Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds), and Tim Rundle (Creative Salmon Co.). COTA’s Board of Directors […]

Posted on Tuesday July 21, 2015

There are only 10 days left for industry members to engage in Canada’s pre-consultation on the new Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. Once published and in force, this omnibus legislation will have oversight on food safety and most trade in food, including organic products, annulling the previous Organic Products Regulations. The legislation is comprehensive with […]