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Canada News

Posted on Tuesday July 21, 2015

Organic Week is less than two months away, and we are planning a fantastic marketing blitz to accompany the national celebration September 19-27. We encourage everyone in the sector to get involved: register your event and we will help you promote it for free! Or, if you are a retailer, you can sign up as an Official Retail Partner and receive […]

Posted on Tuesday July 21, 2015

The Government of Canada is currently consulting various associations and concerned companies about its Revised Draft Policy on the Management of Low Level Presence of Genetically Modified Crops in Imported Grain, Food and Feed. In effect, the introduction of an LLP policy would allow imports (food and feed) contaminated by a low level of GMO that have […]

Posted on Tuesday July 14, 2015

The COTA Board of Directors held its annual strategic retreat this past week in Toronto. The Board reviewed COTA’s financial and work year, and brainstormed around ambitious new membership engagement and communications plans. COTA was graciously hosted and fed during its meetings by the Big Carrot Natural Food Market, and also mingled with some of […]

Posted on Tuesday July 14, 2015

Organic Week’s “National Champion” level sponsorship is now at capacity. However National Supporter level and National Leader level sponsorships are still available. But don’t delay: all sponsorships must be confirmed by Monday, July 20. Canada’s National Organic Week is the largest annual celebration of organic food, farming and products in Canada. For more information, contact […]

Posted on Tuesday July 14, 2015

The 2015 COTA Board of Directors election packages were mailed July 9 to all eligible voting members. The ballot package include bios of the following eligible candidates: Ryan Benn (alive Magazine), Mike Fata (Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods), Lisa Mumm (Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds), and Tim Rundle (Creative Salmon Co.). COTA’s Board of Directors is accountable to the membership […]