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OTA Hosted Event

Benchmarking Trust in Organic

Friday, May 13, 2022 - 1:00pm

Global Communications leader Edelman has published its respected annual Trust Barometer for more than 20 years. The project surveys 30,000+ consumers in 28 countries, tracking trust and credibility of government, businesses, NGOs and media. Everett Eissenstat, Edelman Global Advisory’s North America Chair will share highlights of the firm’s most recent findings on trust. We will also dive into the results of recently completed work on trust specific to the organic sector. What are the drivers and potential risks to trust in the USDA organic? What sources of information are important to these individuals? And, what assumptions and expectations do shoppers have about the meaning of organic?

This webinar is complimentary for OTA members and $149 for non-members. If you have questions about your membership status or would like to pay to attend, please contact Danielle Cote, Membership Manager at


Register Here

Event Type: 

Origin of Livestock Briefing & Implementation Working Session

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

OTA members in the organic dairy sector are invited to join OTA’s Farm Policy Director for a technical briefing on the Origin of Livestock Final Rule. Members will learn about the content and new requirements of the final rule and will engage in a working session to understand and prepare for the full implementation of the final rule.

Please contact Johanna Mirenda for more information.

Event Type: 

Organic 101

Friday, April 15, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

New to the organic industry? Join us to learn the basics of what the organic label does (and doesn’t) mean, how it is enforced, and why it is the gold standard for food and non-food products around the world. Watch our previous presentation from 2019 and then join us for a live Q&A for 30 minutes with our Regulatory team.

  • Presenters:
  • Johanna Mirenda, Farm Policy Director, Organic Trade Association
  • Ann Marie Hourigan, Quality Standards Sr Team Lead, Agricultural Programs, Whole Foods Market
  • Mike Dill, Stakeholder Engagement & Services Manager, Organically Grown Company
  • Nate Powell-Palm, Farmer/Rancher, Cold Springs Organics


  • Q&A Hosts:
  • Gwendolyn Wyard, Vice President of Regulatory & Technical Affairs, Organic Trade Association
  • Johanna Mirenda, Farm Policy Director, Organic Trade Association

Complimentary to OTA members

Not-yet member registration: $149


This webinar features a previously recorded session and live Q&A session following the recording. Registration is open until 11 am ET. For questions about registration payment or member status, please contact Danielle Cote (

Event Type: 

Board of Directors Election Preview: Meet the Candidates

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Organic Trade Association’s Board of Directors is democratically elected by its members – representing more nearly 10,000 organic businesses throughout all portions of the supply chain. Board elections are a unique opportunity for our members to decide – one vote per member organization – the future leaders of the organization. Join us for this interactive Webinar to learn more about the process, and meet the candidates vying for the five open seats. During registration, be sure to submit your questions for our Q&A session with the candidates!

  • Board of Director Co-Hosts:

    Tracy Favre, Owner, Fig Hill Farm Consulting

    Kellee James, Founder & CEO, Mercaris

Exclusive to OTA Members


This webinar is open to Organic Trade Association members only and will be recorded. Register to be receive the recording after the webinar ends. Immediately following the webinar, ballots for the 2022 Board of Election seats will open for voting.

Event Type: 

Organic Trade Association Export Readiness Training

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 8:00am to Wednesday, June 8, 2022 - 5:00pm

The Organic Trade Association is partnering with Goldencrest Global to provide Export Readiness Training services for new-to-export companies throughout the U.S. We repeatedly hear that companies are not ready to export when signing up for trade missions and other international activities - resulting in a weakened reputation and strained relationships with foreign buyers. The program is a detailed, 3 Module, Export Readiness Training program covering a total of 12 topics designed to get companies properly trained to export. Topics include developing an export plan, foreign market research, understanding organic trade agreements, export regulations, documentation, and more! Companies can earn an OTA branded Export Readiness Training Certificate at the completion of the 3 training modules. OTA will be incorporating our already successful export resources into the trainings.

Register here. 


May 4, 2022

May 18, 2022

June 8, 2022

Testimonial: “I was not sure what to expect from this training, sometimes continuing education sessions like this are well worthwhile and occasionally not as much. What was brought to the table here is enough for anyone to start exporting in a holistic, professional and educated way. The information is concise, easy to understand, delivered well (not too fast or slow) and kept us all engaged. The homework was not imposing, was direct and effective in applying the knowledge taught. I can't recommend this course highly enough for anyone who is interested in exporting and for those that already are-it was a great refresher and affirmation for me.”

NOTE: You must agree to be present for all three training sessions when you register. Up to two people can participate per company and each company only needs to register once regardless of the number of participants. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alexis Carey at

DISCLAIMER: Participation in this event is limited to companies who produce and sell USDA certified organic products of U.S. origin. This is the federal USDA regulation for participation and part of declaration you agree to when signing up for Organic Trade Association activities.  All exhibitors must complete an evaluation of the program.

Event Type: 

The Organic Center & Farm to Incubators: Watch Party

Monday, January 31, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

The Organic Center is excited to host a watch party and Q&A panel for the documentary From Farms to Incubators, which paints portraits of women entrepreneurs in the fast growing sector of agtech who are presenting inspiration solutions to many of these growing everyday issues affecting our food production. The documentary showing will be followed by a Q&A panel featuring Amy Wu, the award-winning journalist and filmmaker who founded From Farms to Incubators, and Martha Montoya, CEO of AgTools. Amy will share insight about how women are driving the present day agtech boom, an industry integrating agriculture and technology. She will share more about how she overcame skepticism, outdated traditions, and adversity to achieve her calling as journalist and entrepreneur.

The watch party will complement the Organic Center’s Organic Confluences Event Series focused on Agricultural Technology in organic examining potential opportunities for technology to support the organic sector, pitfalls when it comes to access and equity in AgTech, historical and current examples of AgTech exacerbating the pre-existing structures of racism in the food system, and methods for analyzing AgTech’s fit within organic ideals. Learn more about Confluences here.

About the Documentary

Agriculture and technology both have a long history in California, but have rarely intersected. Tech is focused on disruption and innovation, while much of Central Valley and Central Coast’s agriculture is still managed with clipboards and pencils. One commonality is that women and minorities have historically been underrepresented in both industries. Now, a new generation of startups led by minority women are seeking to solve agriculture’s problems with tech innovation. "From Farms to Incubators" tells the stories of women entrepreneurs dedicated to agtech, a fast-growing sector within agriculture.



Event Type: 

Future of Organic Farmers Workshop

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm

It has been 30 years since the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) was signed into law and while the organic sector has made many advancements, there is still much to be done to ensure the continued success of the organic movement and truly achieve the gold standard in food systems. The Organic Trade Association (OTA), the Organic Farmers Association (OFA), and the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems at Arizona State University (ASU) led by Dr. Kathleen Merrigan are embarking on a partnership to bring together organic farmers nationwide vested in the continued success and growth of organic at the Future of Organic - Farmers Workshop on March 2, 2022 from 1-5 pm ET virtually.

As a farmer or farmer organization, we want to hear your innovative ideas to ensure the next 30 years of organic farming. We encourage farming organizations to hold pre-meetings to gather input from farmers in your region to share at the workshop. Individual organic farmers are also encouraged to apply to attend the workshop and share their ideas directly. The outcomes of the workshop will contribute to a report outlining tangible improvements to the law and regulatory process within USDA and inform updates to the Organic Foods Production Act and other priorities in the next farm bill.

Learn more and register

Event Type: 

Japan and Korea Trade Mission

Monday, October 24, 2022 - 9:00am to Friday, October 28, 2022 - 5:30pm

Register now to join the Organic Trade Association and the Food Export Association on a focused trade mission to Japan and Korea! This trade mission will visit Tokyo and Seoul, with a focus on organic and healthy product importers. OTA and Food export will coordinate one-on-one meetings with qualified buyers in both markets for you, as well as retail tours on-site. This trade mission will begin in Tokyo on October 24th and conclude in Seoul on October 28th.

Register Here

Transportation to/from the airport is at your own cost, with the exception of airport travel between Tokyo and Seoul. OTA does not cover shipping costs for your products; however, OTA will provide logistical support for shipping. You are expected to arrive in Tokyo no later than October 23rd. Please direct any questions to Alexis Carey at

Event Type: 

Webinar: Black Farmer Justice: Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Black farmers have a rich history and promising future in the United States, even though the Black history of agriculture is often reduced to slavery and cotton plantations. In Farming While Black (2018), Leah Penniman argues that justice for Black people, farmers and otherwise, requires learning about Black histories of agriculture, creating new experiences in the natural world, and getting in touch with our food systems. With a panel of Black scholars, farmers, and activists, in this webinar we explore what justice for Black farmers is today, what it has been in the past, and what it can be in the future.

  • Esteemed Panelists:
  • Maya Allen, PhD Candidate in Botony | The University of New Mexico
  • Teona Williams, PhD Candidate in History | Yale University
  • Ashley Gripper, PhD Candidate in Environmental Epidemiology | Harvard University
  • Laquanda Dobson, Chef and Farming Activist
  • Jayson Porter, PhD candidate in History | Northwestern University & Social Justice Intern | The Organic Center (Discussion Leader)

Open for All


This Webinar will be recorded and shared on demand. Register to receive access to the resources and recording after the webinar.

Event Type: 

WEBINAR: How Farming Systems Impact Bionutrients

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

How plants are grown can have an immense effect on nutritional content. A healthy, high functioning soil will produce crops that are flavorful, aromatic, and nutritious. Studies have reflected this by showing that organic production can result in higher antioxidant levels. However, nutrition is still not well understood, and the actual nutrient levels in of crops can vary dramatically with farmer, season, and seed. This webinar will discuss what we know – and don’t know – when it comes to crop nutrition and highlight new technology and campaigns to better understand how to maximize the nutrition of our food.

  • Esteemed Panelists:
  • Dan Kittredge, Executive Director | Bionutrient Food Association
  • Sara Newmark, Chief Operating Officer | True Grace Health
  • Tina Owens, Senior Director, Food & Agriculture Impact | Danone North America
  • Jessica Shade, PhD, Director of Science Programs | The Organic Center (Discussion Leader)
  • Andrew Smith, PhD, Chief Operating Officer | Rodale Institute

Open to all


Webinar will be recorded and made available on demand to all registrants within 2 business days.

Event Type: 
