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OTA Hosted Event

Webinar - Best Practices in Social Marketing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Social marketing strategy is an important part of any company's overall marketing mix. The Organic Trade Association and Edelman have new findings to share about the best ways to design and implement meaningful social media campaigns for organic products. We'll also spend some time discussing the intricacies of designing social media campaigns for international audiences. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - Organic Summer School Series: Organic 101

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

New to the organic industry? Join a panel of industry experts as they explore the basics of what the organic label does (and doesn’t) mean, how it is enforced, and why it is the gold standard for food the world around. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - Organic Summer School Series: Getting the Most Out of Your OTA Membership

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

If you've joined the Organic Trade Association in the past year, or if it's been a while since you've engaged, you've come to the right place! During this fast-paced Webinar, we will introduce you to the people and programs behind your trade association, so you can maximize your investment, and position your business for success. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - The Organic Center Presents: Citrus Greening Disease - the Quest for an Organic Management Solution

Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Citrus Greening is a devastating disease affecting citrus around the world – though Florida citrus has been particularly hard hit. Infected trees are unable to extract the nutrients they need from soil, resulting in severely compromised yields and fruit that is unsuitable for sale. Until now, most of the protocols used to fight the spread of the disease have not been compliant with organic regulations. The Organic Center has collaborated with University of Florida researchers to publish a study that outlines a rigorous, multi-faceted approach to protecting citrus trees in organic systems. Learn more our Webinar series.

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International Program: U.S. Organic Market Briefing & Export Outlook

Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Alexis Carey, the Organic Trade Association's International Trade Manager, will deliver a data-driven overview of the U.S. organic market, including industry size, trending consumer categories, resources for import buyers and exporters, and insights on key trading partners. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions

Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Following an extensive pilot project to detect and prevent fraud in the global organic supply chain, the Organic Trade Association has launched a comprehensive program and toolkit for the organic community. Learn about the best practices in fraud prevention to keep your supply chain strong from seed to shelf from Gwendolyn Wyard, Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - NOSB Outlook for the Produce Community

Friday, March 29, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Join the Organic Trade Association's regulatory team for a produce-focused briefing on the issues up for discussion and decision at the spring National Organic Standards Board meeting (Seattle, WA on April 24-26), and for an introduction to the issues on deck for the Board’s fall review cycle. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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Webinar - The Organic Center Presents: Organic's Impact on Human Health

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

The more we learn about the adverse effects of toxic and persistent agricultural inputs on eaters, farmworkers, and their families, the clearer the connection becomes between organic food and agriculture and lower cancer risks. Dr. Jessica Shade, The Organic Center's Director of Science Programs, will discuss several groundbreaking studies with their respected authors. Learn more about our Webinar series.

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The Organic Center Benefit Dinner

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Join us for the The Organic Center's 16th Annual Benefit Dinner, the biggest all-organic networking dinner on Wednesday, March 6 at Natural Products Expo West.

Expect a thought-provoking program featuring keynote speaker Shannon Allen. Shannon, wife of 2x NBA champion Ray Allen, is the creator and owner of the thriving all-organic fast-food restaurant chain grown™.

megan mitchell

Enjoy a delicious custom organic menu created by Chef Megan Mitchell featuring products supplied by our sponsors. Megan is a seasoned chef and internet personality who's worked with the Food Network, the Cooking Channel, and Tastemade.

You are guaranteed to connect with colleagues and organic industry leaders at this high level event. You'll learn about The Center's important work to facilitate research and communicate credible, evidence-based science on the environmental and health benefits of organic food and farming.

Sponsorships are available, or you can buy a table. Individual tickets go on sale in January. Add your name to the waiting list and be first to know when ticket sales launch.

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Organic Trade Association Winter Board Meeting [Phone Conference]

Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

The Organic Trade Association Winter Board Meeting will take place via phone conference on December 11, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST. 

The OTA Board of Directors typically meets as a full Board at least four times a year, two or three in-person meetings and one or two via teleconference. Each Board member serves on one of the three committees: Executive, Community Relations, or Governance.  Each committee typically meets once per month.

For more information, contact Stephanie Jerger

Meeting Information:

December 11, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST. 

Phone Conference 

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