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Baltimore Museum of Industry will act as backdrop to focus on organic achievements past, present and future
July 9, 2013

Selected from a record-breaking 26 nominations, the Organic Trade Association’s (OTA’s) 2013 Organic Leadership Awards will be presented to a passionate couple who have dedicated their lives to organic for almost three decades, a professional farmer who has advanced practices for growing organic tree f

The world’s first user-friendly website designed to help U.S. organic producers and handlers export organic products, celebrates new era of global organic trade, more than $100 billion by 2015.
June 18, 2013

The Global Organic Trade Guide,the world’s first user-friendly website designed to help U.S.

Delivers agency guidance to remove obstacles to the growth of organic production
May 14, 2013

Speaking today to member-attendees of the Organic Trade Association’s (OTA’s) Policy Conference, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack officially recognized the unique production system covering U.S. organic agriculture, and announced guidance to remove agency obstacles to its continued growth.

Formalizes new Farmers Advisory Council to engage farmers across America
May 10, 2013

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has formally established a Farmers Advisory Council to provide input from small- to medium-sized organic farmers, ranchers and growers to the trade association on matters geared to advancing organic agriculture.

Deadline for submissions is May 31
May 1, 2013

 The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is currently seeking nominations for its prestigious Organic Leadership Awards. This is your opportunity to nominate an organic unsung hero who has made a significant difference to organic agriculture, industry and trade.

April 12, 2013

Canada's organic market grew to $3.7 billion in 2012, with national sales of certified organic food and non-alcoholic beverages reaching $3 billion. The value of the Canadian organic food market has tripled since 2006, far outpacing the growth rate of other agri-food sectors.

Trust in the USDA Organic seal reaches an all-time high among organic buyers
April 4, 2013

 U.S. families are increasingly embracing organic products in a wide range of categories, with 81 percent now reporting they purchase organic at least sometimes. This finding is one of many contained in the Organic Trade Association’s (OTA’s) newly released 2013 U.S.

U.S. household survey finds one-third choose organic foods to avoid GMOs
March 19, 2013

Results from the latest consumer survey conducted for the Organic Trade Association (OTA) reveal that as U.S.

March 15, 2013

The Organic Center has named 15 persons to its new Board of Trustees, and formally introduced them at its sold-out fundraiser dinner March 9 held in conjunction with Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA.

UNFI Foundation provides grant for arsenic and rice research
March 5, 2013

The Organic Center has signed an agreement with U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) for ARS scientists to conduct targeted research on the factors affecting the presence of arsenic in organically grown rice.
