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National Program Director named, Phase 2 of program getting underway
August 12, 2019

The hard reality for organic farmers – and farmers who want to go organic – is that the network of agronomists and technical service providers is often just not there to support growers through transition to organic and beyond.

Soil health expert, standards pioneer, and outstanding Millennial to be recognized
July 25, 2019

Three outstanding individuals in organic agriculture who will receive Organic Trade Association’s Leadership Awards this coming September have much in common: they are passionate about organic farming, visionary in their advocacy for strong organic standards, and active in passing on their excitement and knowledge to foster further growth in the sector.

Non-organic milk tests positive for illegal antibiotics, high levels of growth hormones  and controversial pesticide contaminants
June 26, 2019
Milk is an important part of the human diet. It provides protein, fat, calcium and vitamin D, and for the youngest members of our population, it is especially critical as a main source of many nutrients. But not all milk is created equal.
Event will bring together U.S. produce operations with international customers
June 13, 2019

Next month, the Organic Trade Association will host its first-ever buyers mission at the annual Organic Produce Summit on July 10-11 in Monterey, California. This can’t-miss event for the organic produce sector is the only show in the U.S.

Organic stakeholders gather for brainstorming and frank discussions
May 31, 2019
The Organic Trade Association promised to look at the world of organic a little differently at its 2019 policy conference, and it kept its word.
May 22, 2019

The Organic Trade Association applauds the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee for releasing a draft bill on Wednesday that includes increased funding for the National Organic Program and protects organic dairy farmers by requiring a final rule on the Origin of Livestock.

Organic Trade Association recognizes two members of Congress for their advocacy for organic
May 21, 2019

The Organic Trade Association on Tuesday honored two members of the U.S. House of Representatives for their important bipartisan advocacy on behalf of the organic sector.

Sales hit a record $52.5 billion as organic becomes mainstream, says Organic Trade Association survey
May 17, 2019

Clean, transparent, fresh, sustainable. Environmentally friendly, animal humane, high quality, social activism. Those traits are all identified with organic, and in 2018 they all helped push organic sales to unprecedented levels. The U.S.

Organic stakeholders will gather in D.C. to talk politics, trends, challenges, and more
May 8, 2019

From an insider’s look into the upcoming presidential race, to opportunities for organic with the legalization of industrial hemp, to how organic can be accessible and affordable for more of our changing population and still fetch a fair price for producers, the Organic Trade Association’s

Buoyed by record funding, activities are targeting hottest markets for U.S. organic
April 29, 2019

The Organic Trade Association’s export promotion program closed the first quarter of 2019 with a flourish, and is beginning the second quarter in an equally robust way.
