Yerba Prima, Inc.
Yerba Prima pioneered the development of dietary fiber and internal cleansing products in the natural foods industry. Yerba Prima is the only company that manufactures a complete range of all-natural fiber and internal cleansing products.
OR, 97520-3743
United States
Knowing Farmers stand at the beginning of the food chain, our mission is to help farmers maximize their number one asset, their land and our definition of success is taking good seed to great nutrition.
If we build it, will they come? How are Organic/Non-GMO commodities marketed? What about all of the inputs that will be needed? How much work is it really? Then next came the weeds. No one likes weeds…
It has truly been an evolutionary process that is continually unfolding. Hardly experts, but weathered by the learning curve the desire to share and take away some of the pain points for others that were encountered led to the development of YieldOrganic.
We bring Producers and Buyers together. Both sides value transparency and quality and YieldOrganic delivers both.
Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that Organic/Non-GMO large scale commodities sold will be accepted at the elevator.
No curve balls just good business.
We support and encourage your transition to Organic/Non-GMO farming methods through shared experiences, connections, trust, testing and delivery. Our intention is to help you maximize your number one asset, your land.
San Antonio
TX, 78232-2777
United States
Yoro is a refreshing line of adaptive beverages. We are changing the way Americans get through the day by empowering them to adapt to the ebbs and flows of everyday life. Curated with you in mind, Yoro is crafted with all-natural flavor, contains no artificial sweeteners, and is infused with hand-picked adaptogens this speaks to HOW we're empowering consumers to Be The Wave. In addition to that, our beverage is low calorie, low carb, and low sugar! Currently available in two refreshing flavors: Guava Passionfruit (Surge - Energy) and Pineapple Ginger (Surf - Adrenal Support), our beverages produce need-states to aid in relaxation, focus, and clarity.
LA, 70126