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Data and Insights

Conscious Consumption: Younger Generations Fueling Growth in the Organic Industry

In recent years, the beginnings of a seismic shift have been observed in consumer behavior, primarily driven by the younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z are not just interested in what they eat; they are deeply invested in the values that their food represents. This trend towards value-based eating has the potential to transform the food industry, with organic food at the forefront of this revolution. 

Gen Z driving value-based purchasing and continuous improvement in organic

USDA organic has an expanding fanbase in Gen Z. The Consumer Perception of USDA Organic Report released earlier this year from the Organic Trade Association, revealed that young people are driving the growth of organic as they prioritize value-based eating. 77% of Millennial and Gen Z survey respondents described organic claims as at least somewhat important to them, jumping from only 55% of Gen X and Baby Boomer consumers.   

Specialty crop grants awarded to 18 projects featuring organic

The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) was first incorporated in the Farm Bill in 2008 to support specialty crop producers and consumers. Since then, SCBGP has been an important program for organic specialty crop producers, who have faced increasing market demand for decades. The 2018 Farm Bill reauthorized SCBGP at historic levels, with a mandatory $85 million available per year. 

Consumer behaviors influencing organic consumption: insights into Gen Z

A recent survey completed by Ketchum, a global communication consultancy group, has provided insight into the food and purchase behaviors of the newest generation of household purchasers, Generation Z. Gen Z, or individuals born between 1997 and 2012, are increasingly influencing the food market through independent purchases and by informing household food purchases.

Study: U.S. Organic Has Work to do Abroad on Trust

As part of Organic Trade Association’s partnership with Edelman to study organic trust among consumers in the United States, Edelman used its global reach to survey trust among consumers in five key export markets for U.S. organic producers: France, Germany, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. The findings from this Organic Trust Barometer are critical in maximizing existing lucrative trade opportunities for U.S. brands, and will provide important background as we pursue updated equivalence arrangements with important trading partners.

Organic Market Basket: A Closer Look at Pricing Pressures

Pricing Pressures

Consumer prices are on the rise. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index, food prices are up just over 10 percent from a year ago. Organic foods are no exception; only three out of 20 items in the Organic Market Basket did not see a price increase this period. Ongoing supply chain shortages (labor, ingredients, and transportation) have conspired to push prices higher. Organic prices, while slower to rise initially, are not exempt from these pressures. Here are a few observations by major category.

Regulatory Round-up, April 2022

Over the last week, a flurry of regulatory activity has taken place across organic agriculture.


Shoppers Value Organic Attributes, Lack Familiarity with the Label

From supply chain failures during the global pandemic to the UN Food Systems Summit, food systems have been in the spotlight for the past two years. While this focus on […]

A Closer Look

The Long Tail of the Pandemic Buying Surge For the latest edition of the Organic Market Basket, we’re looking at the 13-week period ending just after Thanksgiving 2021. The major […]