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Key funding awarded for research addressing critical and diverse organic issues
September 28, 2016

The issues facing today's organic sector are diverse and range from questions arising in organic fields and processing plants to conference halls and research laboratories. The Organic Center is thrilled to collaborate in three wide-ranging grants totaling over $2 million that will address key needs of today's organic industry. The grants were announced today by the U.S.

Research team collaborates to examine animal-based soil amendments
September 28, 2016

A new $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), awarded to a multidisciplinary team from the University of California, Davis, University of Minnesota, University of Maine, the USDA Agricultural Research Service's Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, USDA's Economic Research Service Resource and Rural Economics Division, the Produce Safety Alliance, and The Organic Center, will address one of the most pressing issues for the organic community—how to use manure effectively in organic farming in ways that foster healthy soil and minimize risks to food safety.

New Directors and OTA Member of the Year announced at Annual Meeting
September 26, 2016

Melissa Hughes, General Counsel and Director of Government Affairs for the nation's oldest and largest organic dairy cooperative Organic Valley, has been re-elected as President of the Organic Trade Association's Board of Directors by fellow Board members as part of the association's 2016 general member election.

Annual awards dinner marks the strongest growth in membership in five years
September 22, 2016

Celebrating its strongest growth in membership in five years, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) drew hundreds of members Wednesday evening in Baltimore to its annual Organic Leadership Awards dinner to pay tribute to a group of inspiring organic visionaries who have made extraordinary contributions in advancing the organic sector.

Households headed by Millennial parents the biggest organic-buying group, OTA survey says
September 22, 2016

America’s 75 million Millennials* are devouring organic, and they’re making sure their families are too. Parents in the 18- to 34-year-old age range are now the biggest group of organic buyers in America, finds a new survey on the organic buying habits of American households released by the Organic Trade Association (OTA).

Improved guide offers most comprehensive data available on organic markets, policy and trade
September 13, 2016

The Organic Trade Association today unveiled a new and enhanced International Organic Trade Resource Guide.

OTA recognizes Nebraskan organic farmer David Vetter for his accomplishments in advancing organic
August 31, 2016

Nebraskan farmer David Vetter of Grain Place Foods is often described by his friends as quiet and humble—a typical low key and unassuming Midwesterner. But as a mentor to others in the organic industry, he has been an inspiring and tireless giant.

Hemp pioneer will be recognized as Rising Star
August 18, 2016

A Canadian entrepreneur and hemp foods pioneer will be honored as a "Rising Star" in the organic sector at the 2016 Organic Leadership Awards dinner in September hosted by the Organic Trade Association (OTA).

Review paper calls organic livestock production important part of the solution
August 3, 2016

Choosing organic is the best choice consumers can make to combat antibiotic resistance and protect themselves from antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a review paper from The Organic Center concludes.

Organic Farmer of the Year goes to visionary organic cotton farmers who formed market collaboration
July 25, 2016

Thanks to a pioneering group of forward-thinking farmers, organic cotton production in Texas has expanded from virtually nothing in the early 1990s to over 20,000 acres in 2015, making the Texas High Plains the largest organic cotton-growing region in the United States.
